Tarot Spreads: The Eclipses

When the Moon and the Earth want the limelight.

Every year, we go through two eclipse seasons, which occur at opposite times of the year. For 2024, there is a pair of eclipses in Aries season and another in the Virgo–Libra season. Where the eclipses happen is generally tied to the North and South Nodes of the Moon. This year, 2024, the North and South Nodes are moving through Aries and Libra and peeking into Pisces and Virgo, respectively.

Every eclipse season, there are typically two eclipses: a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse. The eclipses are inherently tied to the New Moon and Full Moon phases, so my tarot spreads for the eclipses were designed in line with the other New Moon and Full Moon tarot spreads I’ve been creating.

New Moon Solar Eclipse

As I’ve explained previously in my “Working with the Moon” blog post,” the Solar Eclipse is always a New Moon.

Astrologically, the New Moon occurs when the Moon is conjunct the Sun. That happens only when they’re in the same general place (on the zodiacal wheel) as each other in the sky from the Earth’s perspective.

Twice a year, from the Earth’s perspective, the Moon’s position in the sky is not just close to the Sun’s position from Earth, but it’s actually in front of the Sun, blocking the Sun’s light from hitting the Earth. That’s why we have to have a New Moon to have a solar eclipse.

For that reason, the New Moon Solar Eclipse tarot spread builds off the core concepts of the New Moon tarot spread. But I’ve modified the spread to bring in a few eclipse considerations. The eclipse cycle is longer than a lunar cycle, and the eclipses are tied to the Nodes, which are about karmic lessons.

The North Node’s placement in your natal chart represents the way of being you are destined to explore and come to understand in this lifetime, whereas the South is what you know from past lives and which it is time to shed. We tend to be uncomfortable in North Node zones, but they’re rich for our personal growth and development.

This year, we have a total solar eclipse happening in Aries (there’s also a tarot spread for the New Moon in Aries). That happens at 19º Aries 24' on April 8, 2024, 2:21PM US Eastern Time. Later in the year, we’ll also have the the annular solar eclipse with the New Moon in Libra (10º Libra 04') happening October 2, 2024, 2:49PM (US Eastern Time).

When the Dark Moon demands to be seen

Space: What parts of my life should I be prepared to re-assess and shift during this eclipse cycle?

Lunar Gift: What is emerging from within me that will challenge my sense of who I am?

Growth: How will this help me grow over the next six months?

Understanding: Why is now the right time for this particular emergence?

Care:How can I best support myself when things get uncomfortable?

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

As I’ve explained previously in my “Working with the Moon” blog post,” the Lunar Eclipse is always a Full Moon.

Astrologically, the Full Moon occurs when the Moon opposes the Sun. That happens only when they’re on opposite sides of the sky from each other as we down here on Earth can see them. Again, this is in terms of the zodiacal wheel, which is two-dimensional, so “opposite” is a general term. To give you a visual, think of the sun is setting and the Full Moon is rising simultaneously.

Twice a year, from the Earth’s perspective, the Moon’s position in the sky is not just opposite to the Sun’s position from Earth in a two-dimensional sense, but it’s actually on the literal other side of the Earth from the Sun. When that happens, the Earth blocks the Sun’s light from hitting the Moon. That’s why we have to have a Full Moon to have a lunar eclipse.

For that reason, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse tarot spread builds off the core concepts of the Full Moon tarot spread. But I’ve modified the spread to bring in a few eclipse considerations. The eclipse cycle is longer than a lunar cycle, and the eclipses are tied to the Nodes, which are about karmic lessons.

This year, we have the penumbral lunar eclipse with the Full Moon in Libra (5º Libra 07') happening March 25, 2024 (3:00AM US Eastern Time). And later in the year, we have a partial lunar eclipse with the Full Moon in Pisces (25º Pisces 41') happening November September 17, 2024 (10:34PM US Eastern Time).

When the Earth takes center stage

Grounding: How does my purpose in this lifetime help me find meaning in everyday experiences?

Capturing Light: What am I empowered to complete during this cycle?

Revitalization: What needs to be replenished before I start something new?

Embodiment: How can I embody my spirit more fully during this cycle?

Earthly Gift:What will be made possible by aligning my external actions with my internal feelings?

Want help creating your own layouts?

You’ve got options! Join my upcoming semester of tarot and take advantage of 20+ office hours, where we can talk through your ideas and how best to ask the questions that matter most and create a custom signature layout for you.

Can’t wait? Sign up for my intensive fundamentals course for new and experienced readers, Read Tarot like a Nerd, where we get into the heart of asking questions that matter, along with a dozen or two other valuable topics to take your tarot readings beyond the basics. Or check out my Saturday seminars, including past recordings of Reading the Big Picture and Getting Intentional, which will help you create your own spreads.

And if you’re curious about the astrology of tarot, I’ve got a course for that.