Tarot Spread: Dusk to Dawn (and On)

Funnily enough, when I created this tarot spread, I hadn’t meant to. I was actually supposed to be working on a series of tarot spreads based around the idea of home work and how those two words could be combined into different concepts. I had been feeling uninspired and turned to a deck of Kipper cards for the inspiration, and it was a crystal clear reading. Nevertheless, after I had a few concepts, I decided to leave it all behind and work on a spread based on a phrase that came to me this morning: sunrise, sunset. 

For those who know musical theatre, there is a famous song from Fiddler on the Roof called “Sunrise, Sunset,” and that song is all that I could hear as I soon as wrote down the two card positions of Sunrise and Sunset. Clearly, that would not work, so I switched the positions to Sunset and Sunrise. It dawned on me that this is right for October anyway in my neck of the woods (Northern hemisphere) as we feel the rapid darkening of days. Plus it’s time for Scorpio to shine, so really nighttime should be primary.

From there it was easy to fill in the mid-way point and complete the cycle because, really, loss and reclamation are constant cycles.  And in honor of Halloween vibes, I renamed those initial singsong card positions.

Creating tarot spreads can be time-consuming and very mentally intensive. But I don’t fight them when they come easily, and this one feels inspired and tied in with the work I’ve been doing this year and that I plan to be focusing on in the future.

Dusk: What is it time to put to bed?

Midnight: What causes me to fear losing it?

Dawn: How can I reclaim the energies I associate with that loss?

Midday: Where can I best direct those rediscovered energies?

Want help creating your own layouts?

You’ve got options! Join my upcoming semester of tarot and take advantage of 20+ office hours, where we can talk through your ideas and how best to ask the questions that matter most and create a custom signature layout for you.

Can’t wait? Sign up for my intensive fundamentals course for new and experienced readers, Read Tarot like a Nerd, where we get into the heart of asking questions that matter, along with a dozen or two other valuable topics to take your tarot readings beyond the basics. Or check out my Saturday seminars, including past recordings of Reading the Big Picture and Getting Intentional, which will help you create your own spreads.