15-minute Kipper Reading

15-minute Kipper Reading


Dive into the mystic sea and see what the Seaborn Kipper cards have to tell you about life ahead with a quick 15-minute Kipper reading from Thomas of Hermit’s Mirror, delivered via Zoom.

Thomas will email to coordinate a time for the reading, or you can schedule via Appointments by Square. (Choose a 15-minute phone reading.)

If you prefer a recorded reading emailed to you, please specify that in the form under “Is there more I should know?”

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My readings should be considered opportunities to engage the mind in new ways. They should not be considered substitutes for professional services, such as financial, legal, or medical advice, or psychological counseling or therapy. They are also not guarantees about future events. The readings are tools that you can choose to use in part or in whole (or not at all). I encourage you to read more about my practice and my list of frequently asked questions.