Akashic Records Reception

Akashic Records Reception


The Akashic Records are an energetic storehouse that can offer wisdom and healing around all of the lives that you have lived and insight into how those experiences can shape your future.

Lessons from past lives, ancestral agreements, soul contracts, and more are recorded in your “book.” Consulting the Records requires surrender to higher wisdom, an act of receiving rather than exploration. As a result, some flexibility is necessary: not all questions or requests will receive an answer.

The Records can be a nebulous place, so sessions typically last 30–45 minutes during a live reading and 25–35 minutes for a recorded reading.

When I enter the Records, I prefer to receive information solely through the “clairs” (clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc.). My eyes are usually closed, so I do not offer video readings at this time.

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My tarot readings should be considered opportunities to engage the mind in new ways. They should not be considered substitutes for professional services, such as financial, legal, or medical advice, or psychological counseling or therapy. They are not guarantees about future events, and I cannot say with certainty or on any rational basis that past lives exist or that I’m connecting with an actual past life of yours, but I personally believe that they do and I can, respectively. These readings are tools that you can choose to use in part or in whole (or not at all). I encourage you to read more about my tarot practice and my list of frequently asked questions.

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Story from Beyond
