The May Flower Oracle Divination Challenge

inspired by a love of flora

Since April showers bring May flowers, and the flowers are poppin’ right now as I sit down to make this challenge, I thought I’d tap into my Venus-as-a-Boy Taurus self and go full floral for May’s divination challenge.

I’ve selected flowers that typically grow in May in the continental United States and that have symbolic meaning in the language(s) of flowers and Western magical traditions. As anyone looking into the idea of “the language of flowers” will discover, there is not simply one dictionary. Even Victorian England did not come to a consensus on the meanings of all flowers, and they managed to invent whole books of rules for war and vampires.

With this imprecision in mind, I generally chose one common meaning for each of the 16 flowers plucked to inspire a question every other day of the month. This is not the only meaning of the plant, especially as used in other fields, such as herbal medicine, or in other cultures. And even then, I tweaked some meanings to reduce the rollercoaster effect.

For example, Black locust is associated with Hekate and “black magic,” and I wanted to include different goddess connections. But a question about magic seemed like a hard turn from the other, more mundane topics, so I focused on the purpose of magic that isn’t done to serve the greater good.

To help determine appropriate attributions, I turned to Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kynes and the Farmer’s Almanac, along with some other one-off online searches if the information seemed lacking, overwhelming, or otherwise unclear.

 I hope you enjoy it and that, if nothing else, it helps you slow down and appreciate the flowers this Taurus season.

1. Magnolia. How can I better connect with nature?

3. Lilac. What love does my inner child need from me?

5. Hawthorn. What hope will blossom this month?

7. Geranium. How can I safely embrace folly?

9. Black Locust. When should I act in my self-interest?

11. Pansy. Where can I be more thoughtful?

13. Heather. What do I most admire in others?

15. Skullcap. What most requires my focus right now?

17. Peony. When does good luck bring me discomfort?

19. Lady’s Slipper. Where do I find beauty?

21. Lily-of-the-Valley. What makes life sweet and pure?

23. Anemone. What have I left abandoned too long?

25. Iris. How can I be more true to my values?

27. Comfrey. Where in life can I bring needed healing?

29. Rose. How can I find more opportunities for love?

31. Forget-Me-Not. What will remind me of this wisdom?