Tarot Answers + Divination Quick Tips

Over the last three years, I’ve helped many tarot readers re-experience tarot by refining their craft and finding new confidence in their skills, adding nuance to their readings through interpretive layering, and helping them reimagine what tarot can be with transformative approaches and some everyday magic.

But I haven’t always been very accessible for tarot beginners.

I get it. I go deep quickly. I don’t like to waste time, and that can easily feel like being thrown in the deep end when you were putting a toe in to gauge the water’s temperature. If I ever made you feel inundated and unable to find your way out, I am truly sorry because that should never be the Hermit’s goal.

Yes, we Hermit types will push you and challenge you to do more than you think you can because we see the strength in you and what it took to even find us. But the Hermit always shines a light so you can find your way out. Or we should.

So that’s why I’ve started creating some more accessible entry points for those who want to test the waters, my Tarot Answers series and my Divination Quick Tips. My content will almost always be deep—I do still enjoy my fun astrology charts that are much more meme-worthy than deep—but you shouldn’t have to feel out of your depth if you’re not ready for it.

You can find them easily on my Instagram feed and on my Facebook page.

I created a template so that each post in the series looks the same and looks distinct from my other posts. If you don’t follow me on Instagram or Facebook, let me show you what I’ve got so far. As I regularly release more of these, you’ll find them on those social media platforms. But I’ll be sure to include direct links to the content in my newsletter for those who just can’t even start with social media. (I get that, too. I might leave Facebook at some point in the near future, definitely if Instagram gets anti-trusted away from it.)

So make sure you sign up for my newsletter or follow me on Instagram (or both).

And if you’re ready for more, enroll in my course, Read Tarot like a Nerd.