Can I please have a free tarot reading?

Probably not. Completing a reading takes time and energy, so I generally don’t provide free personalized tarot readings. However, I do offer free general readings on Instagram through my collective message readings on Mondays or as pick-a-card and screenshot readings through my Life Line Tarot account. Followers might also find sporadic opportunities on through my Instagram Stories to get a quick & dirty free reading during a 24-hour window of time.

Can you predict the future?

The short answer is no because I don’t think the future is fated. That said, I like to think of everyone as having hidden depths of knowledge that we can access for personal development and awareness. This includes the ability to analyze the trajectory of current events based on what we already know about the past and present. I can’t guarantee that something will happen, but I can help you anticipate likely outcomes.

Are you psychic?

I must be because I knew you would ask that. Just kidding. I can’t read someone’s mind, but I can usually get a general sense of what people are thinking or feeling. In fact, almost all people can: you can call it intuition as I do, or you can consider it a form of social awareness if intuition feels too unfamiliar to you.

I also experience what are often called “psychic hits” during readings, when I will see, hear, or just know something that I couldn’t rationally know in any other way. These are rarely necessary for a good reading, and I don’t guarantee that they will come up. But they happen enough with enough strange specificity that I no longer doubt whether they are psychic experiences.

Why did you say this card means X when my friend/the book/some website says it means Y?

Tarot cards are symbolic, which means that they have multiple, sometimes competing meanings, and they all have associations that can trigger insights beyond what was intended by their creator. In the years and years that I’ve been reading, I’ve developed some idiosyncratic meanings for particular cards that pop up time and again for me as a reader, but I also often pick up on visual cues in a card that result in new interpretations.

Do you use reversals? How do you use them?

It depends on the deck and the question. Some decks usually benefit from seeing reversed positions, and some usually don’t. I don’t have a hard and fast rule about when I will use them and when I won’t; I decide when I’m shuffling the deck and asking the card the question(s) I want them to answer. For more on my “process,” see my blog post, “The Process.”


What do I actually get from the reading?

For live readings, you get a live reading by video or phone. Afterwards, I will email either a recording of the video reading or a very brief summary (think bullet point highlights) of the reading if conducted over the phone.

For my written PDF readings, I send an email to the email address provided that includes a picture of the cards I’ve drawn for the reading, the question(s) asked along with which card(s) were drawn for each question, an overall interpretation of the reading as it relates to the question(s), and, if there are multiple cards, an interpretation of each card and how each card interacts with other cards or contributes to the overall reading. The length of the interpretations can vary from one page (250–300 words) to many pages, depending on the complexity of the question(s) and the type of reading.

Why do I have to fill out that form before I can get a reading?

When you request a reading, I ask for information that will help me help you. You only have to provide the basics (name, question, contact info), and then you can choose to provide more information that you think is relevant if you want to. It’s not because I want to tell you what you want to hear; it’s because I want to tell you what will be useful for you to hear. The more relevant information you provide, the more I can take that into consideration when explaining what I read in the cards I’ve drawn for you. If, for example, you ask me how you can reconnect with your ex, but you don’t mention the fact that this person is no longer alive, I’m clearly going to have a hard time giving you guidance that you can use effectively.

How do you decide which deck to use?

Any deck can be used for any question, which is why I let the client pick a deck if they like one more than another. If it’s “reader’s choice” (i.e., my choice), I will usually be drawn to a deck for one of two reasons: 1) I find that I can read answers to certain types of questions better with one deck than with another; or 2) I feel “connected” with that deck, usually because of my mood and its vibe. On rarer occasions, something in the client’s responses to my form will trigger the decision to use a different deck than I might normally pick. On “Decks for Readings”, I note the areas of concern for which I find it easiest to read with each deck.

Can you answer a different question?

Sure thing! You might find the answer you’re looking for in my Musings. But if not, you can contact me using my Contact page.