Awaken the Court Cards: A workbook to bring the court cards to life [PDF]

Awaken the Court Cards: A workbook to bring the court cards to life [PDF]


Bring the court cards to life in your tarot readings and in everyday moments by awakening the energy and magic of the 16 personas reigning over the tarot court.

Listen to my interview about awakening the court cards with Theresa Reed, the Tarot Lady.

This 194-page digital PDF workbook includes constellations of correspondence for each tarot suit, court rank, and individual court card persona; activities and exercises for getting to know the court from multiple angles; and tarot spreads inspired by each of these powerful and complex reflections of humanity. And because it’s a workbook, there is plenty of room included for taking notes, recording experiences, and reflecting later upon review.

Notice: You can now order an 8“ x 10“ paperback, full color workbook on Amazon.

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